EmpowHER Sponsorship Opportunities

EmpowHER provides a platform for growth and development. It's a chance to nurture your skills, connect with mentors, and enhance your well-being. Join us for an enriching experience from April 6-9th near San Diego, CA.

Your journey towards empowerment starts here. Embrace this opportunity to thrive and succeed.

All Sponsorship Packages Include:

Registrations: 2 registrations included, one for you as a mentor and one for a mentee of your choice ($2,000 value)

Social Media Promotion: Mention in social media posts leading up to and during the event.

Marketing Materials: Inclusion of promotional materials in attendee welcome bags.

Post-Event Recognition: Acknowledgment in post-event thank you email and highlight reel.

These packages can be customized further to meet the specific needs and goals of potential sponsors.

Diamond Empowerment Package

$4,000 +

Recognition as the primary event sponsor with prominent logo placement on all marketing materials, event signage, and the retreat website.

Speaking Opportunity: Keynote presenter of your choice, from a select list of inspiring women experts in a variety of different topics.

+Speakers may be an additional cost.

Platinum Leadership Development


Prominent Logo Placement: Logo on all marketing materials, event signage, and the retreat website.

Speaking Opportunity: Opportunity to host evening entertainment for participants. Entertainment can range from a musical performance, interactive activity, or speaker series.

Gold Nutritional Culinary

$5,000 - $7,000

Logo Placement: Logo on select marketing materials, event signage, and the retreat website.

Meal Hosting: Opportunity to host a breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Silver Wellness Package


Logo Placement: Logo on the retreat website and select event signage.

Event Hosting: Opportunity to host a holistic or physical wellness activity.

Bronze Break Package


Embark on a journey towards leadership excellence, guided by experienced mentors in the field.

Brass Brand Recognition


Logo Placement: Logo on the retreat website and select event signage.

Discover the EmpowHER journey

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